techBo and techBoITLabs have been involved in the mining and improving the efficiency of block-chains for about ten years now. In this year 2021/2022 techBo has officially shut off the natural gas connection to 203 and 205 Durham St E and will be heating this commercial and residential place by using bitcoin and etherium miners alone. This will make it one of the first commercial buildings in Canada to actually make a profit heating the property for the 2021/2022 winter period! It is notable to mention that there is no back up heat to the building and techBo may be looking to add some large Power-walls to maintain the 15-20’000 watts the miners use to heat the full building.
Some important links and referral codes: Savings Bank:
Nexo is my primary savings account paying up to (recently) 30% interest APR on some coins! But most are 8-12%. Here is the hook, it is paid out and compounded daily! No other institution gives rates like this. I trust and they have insurance which is better than nothing at all. I choose to get my interest paid in tokens and earn an extra 2% plus the coins pay out a dividend. It’s a win, win, win situation. Nexo is a lending company, so just store your crypto holding there, do not borrow against them and go in to debt!
Use my referral link to sign up for and we both get $25 USD 🙂 app for your phone is a full blown bank account that you can order a pre-paid, bitcoin backed Platinum Metal Visa and earn up to 10% cash back in CRO, the native token of the back. I am extremely bullish on CRO and believe it’s a solid investment and will double in price over the next year (December 2022). also hosts an exchange, an easy way to buy bitcoin and crypto, set-up reoccurring buys (DCA method) as well as NFT’s and sponsorships all over the world. If you have not heard about them by now, you will soon! They are growing exponentially!
Canadian Bitcoins
I have been with since the beginning. They have a very helpful staff and are great for buying or selling crypto for cashed, mailed directly to you! Tell them techBo sent you their way.
Binance is the largest crypto exchange, or one of the largest. They also can sell you bitcoin but the website is mostly for trading. You have to learn how to trade using “papermoney” first. I highly recommend this route, as their are no rules with crypto trading, like there is with the traditional stock market. Crypto trading is open 24/7/365 and to be successful with trading one has to learn how to make and use bots to execute your trades for you. Thus I will post my last referral link to what I believe is the best bot website out there, and yes you can use paper money! Please do. Always remember this is not finical advise and I am not licensed to give that advise. All information on these pages are for educational purposes only! Do not use any money that you would need to live on, as you can loose your shirt in seconds not knowing what to do in a crypto trading site.
3comma’s (after doing a ton of research) I have found. to. be the best tool for making DCA (Dollar Cost Averaging) and GRID bots to trade in the crypto marketplace. They support many different exchange’s and have Mooninpapa, a three comma’s ambassador to teach you how to make bots step by step over his youtube channel, discord server and training courses he offers. I personally am currently taking one of his courses and really enjoy his style and demeanour. He is not “in your face” you. have to win, but rather a very relaxed gentleman who is veery excited about the crypto landscape and all the new opportunities blockchain technologies will being to the world. A change for the better, this we know to be true.
I hope you have enjoyed this intro to cryptocurrencies. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me via e-mail and I will try to get back to you in a timely manner. Keep an eye open for the announcement of the first bitcoinboy class to be run for informational purposes only in the Bruce / Grey county area!

Customer Reviews & Testimonials
Discover why our customers trust Bitcoin Bo for all their investment needs. Read their testimonials and see how we’ve made a difference in the Miami and rural Walkerton community for over 20 years.
2024-2025 is going to be a very exciting year for opportunity and portfolio growth, with 5-16X gains as we stumble upon AI tokens, NFTs, and some very powerful blockchains and smart contract chains. Interpolidity and sharding will allow for very powerful computational analysis, and data is always confirmed on the blockchain, so it is censorship-resistant and terminates once a block is confirmed. Watch what you say out there, girls and boys.
R.J. Reichenbach

techBoITLabs is the best. Personalized care and attention to detail.
Emily Johnson
techBo’s staff is exceptional – they listen, understand, and provide valuable guidance.
Michael Davis
techBoRCLabs is a novel Pharmacy – Reliable, professional, and genuinely caring.
Sarah Thompson
Stay-at-home Groupie